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- Masahito Koshinaka Art Works

Scroll Down.

    about 60 mins
    VR Goggles, internet
  • YEAR


English text

Production : Masahito Koshinaka
Cast/Voice : Chihiro Nakajima, Tamimi Komiki, Tokuyama Munetaka, Mami Suzuki, Antista Futamata Tsuyomi, Noriko Mizushima
Voice : Mitsue Aoki, Norikazu Okada, Kenta Kawai, Mari Sagawa
Artwork courtesy : Sachiyo Kuroda (quadrivium ostium)
Supported by : Kamakura City Board of Education


This is a story of a family of four, consisting of an eldest son, his younger sister, and their calm parents, who have been fond of fortune-telling and wishful thinking since childhood. The father learns that their family was mentioned in a book called “Azuma Kagami,” and they can now call themselves the “Kamakura Period. The parents are delighted, but their children are confused as to what this means. Soon, word spreads among the townspeople that the family is called “Kamakura-era,” and the family receives special treatment. However, the effects of this change are beyond the family’s control. The family decides to go see the “Udonge” flower and comet by divination to find out why and how it was mentioned in the “Azuma Kagami”.
The story is a unique interpretation of “Azuma Kagami Vol. 26” by Masato Koshinaka, set in the “Seven Cut-throughs of Kamakura,” and visualized through a mixture of family reflection and imagination, historical fact and fiction. The Seven Cut-throughs are witnesses and emissaries of this family. All the characters in this work are played by antiques, and the antiques are moved to create a theatrical expression. In addition, this work is viewed through VR goggles, providing an experience as if you were actually there.

制作 : 越中正人

出演・声 : 中島千尋、こみきたみ、トクヤマムネタカ、鈴木麻未、アンティスタ二又つよみ、水島紀子
協力・声 : 青木光恵、岡田典一、川合健太、佐川真理
美術品提供 : 黒田幸代(quadrivium ostium)
後援 : 鎌倉市教育委員会



物語は、越中正人が「鎌倉七切通し」を舞台に「吾妻鏡 第二十六巻」を独自解釈し、家族の考察と想像、史実と虚構を織り交ぜて映像化したものです。七つの切通しはこの家族の目撃者であり使役者となっています。本作品の登場人物はすべて骨董品が担っており、骨董品を動かして演劇的表現をしています。また本作品はVRゴーグルで視聴する作品となっており、実際にその場にいるかのような体験を提供します。