TITLE穴からはじまったこと / From a hole
SIZE / TIME17:20 mins
MATERIAL2 channel synchronized video & sound
穴からはじまったこと / From a hole
English text
This film is set in the Enoshima Iwaya Cave in Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture, and consists of footage shot in a rented cave with the cooperation of Fujisawa City, interviews with people involved in the cave, and a workshop where participants confess their wishes. Iwaya Cave is the birthplace of Enoshima Shrine, which has been worshipped by many people since ancient times as a cave dedicated to Benzaiten. Due to the abolition of Buddhism in the Meiji era (1868-1912) and accidents involving falling rocks, the ownership of Iwaya Cave was transferred from Enoshima Shrine to Fujisawa City, and the dragon god is now worshipped in place of Benzaiten. People focus on the dragon god without paying attention to the Iwaya Cave, and that the dragon god was inspired by the sign of a store owned by a former sumo wrestler. And there used to be a luck test set up where visitors could beat a drum and tell the dragon god their wishes. However, the luck test was a measure to prevent congestion in the cave. Also, while the local government is unable to promote a single faith, the act of wishing is behind the luck test, and it is an act that keeps the faith alive. There are those who appeal to the history of the cave itself, and those who question the current state of the cave, while there are also those who hope that the cave will remain as it is today. The form, meaning, and value of the cave itself have changed with history and natural disasters, and despite the accumulation of various paradoxes, there are still people who make their wishes and pray. This work is a collection of such phenomena. This is because I believe that the Iwaya Cave is a place where a number of phenomena intersect. And when they come together like a wave in the video, what the viewer grasps in the midst of it all is the faith of each individual, isn’t it ? I hope that this will be an opportunity to reveal the inner self of faith. I believe that this moment is the beginning of the diversification of things.
Japanese Text
本作品は藤沢市にある江の島岩屋洞窟を舞台に、藤沢市協力のもと洞窟を借り切っての撮影、洞窟に関わる人のインタビュー、ワークショップを開催して参加者が願いを語っている映像で構成されています。 岩屋は古来、弁財天を祭る洞窟として、多くの人々の信仰を集めてきた江ノ島神社発祥の地です。明治の廃仏毀釈や落石事故などの困難を経て、現在は江ノ島神社から藤沢市へ譲渡され、弁財天に代わって龍神が祭られています。 洞窟には目もくれず龍神に着目する人、その龍神は元朝青龍関のちゃんこ屋看板が参考であったりすること。以前は太鼓を叩いて龍神に願掛けをする運だめしが設置されており、訪れた人は願いを告げていたが、その運試しは洞窟内の混雑防止のための対策であったこと。しかし自治体が一つの信仰を推進することができない中で、運試しの背景には「願う」という行為があり、信仰を失わさせない行為でもあること。 洞窟自体の由緒を訴える人、現在のあり方に疑問を投げる人があれば、今のままがずっと続くことを願う人もいること。歴史や自然災害とともに自体の形、意味や価値が変わり、さまざまな逆説を積み重ねても、それでも願いを告げ、祈る人がいること。 本作はこのような現象を集めました。いくつもの現象が交錯しているのが岩屋であると思っているからです。そして、映像でそれらが波のように押し寄せられた時に、鑑賞者がその中でつかんだものこそ、各自の信仰ではないでしょうか。そんな信仰という最も内にある個人・自分が顕になる契機となればと思っています。そして、その瞬間が物事を多様化していく様の始まりではないか。
This video is a short re-edited video for viewing.So these comments are only part of the whole.Please do not judge the content of the video work or the intention of the speaker with this viewing video alone.

installation view : Fujisawa Art Space, Fujisawa, Japan 2019